Check This Book Out! Morning, Noon, & Night: Finding the Meaning of Life’s Stages Through Books by Arnold Weinstein

Check out the NEW BOOKS DISPLAY for some items recently added to our collection. Featured this month is Morning, Noon, & Night: Finding the Meaning of Life’s Stages Through Books by Arnold Weinstein. As a librarian, I can’t help but recommend a book that talks about all sorts of other books you should read. Weinstein, a comparative literature professor at Brown University, discusses how great works of literature can help us understand the different stages in our lives. He talks about works as varied as Wuthering Heights, Persepolis, and King Lear to illustrate the point that throughout time books have both provided a mirror to show us how we age and also served as a tool to help us understand how we age. If you’re addicted to reading this is a great book for discussing classics both old and new, reminding you why you like your favorites, and suggesting titles for you to read next.

You can find this and any of the titles below on the NEW BOOK DISPLAY at the Prairie State College Library.

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