Check These Books Out!

Need something to read between classes?  The Prairie State College Library is always acquiring new books for our patrons.  The selections below, and many others, can be found on the shelves located outside our Quiet Reading Room.


Check This Book Out! Man Booker Prize Winner 2015

Set in 1970s Jamaica, author Marlon James’s third novel explores crime, corruption, and the attempted assassination of Reggae music legend, Bob Marley. This epic tale is narrated in several voices: from the young street hustler to the most powerful in Jamaican politics, from woman to man, and from Jamaican dialect to English. James crafts a powerful tale that is sure to capture the reader’s imagination.

Check out this novel and other new books in our collection:


Check this book out! Four: A Divergent Collection

The latest novel in the Divergent series from bestselling author Veronica Roth will be sure to satisfy Divergent fans.  Four is a companion novel that includes four pre-Divergent stories plus three additional scenes all as told from Tobias’s point of view.   If you’re a fan of the series or a have just discovered the novels, you’ll be sure to enjoy this companion novel that takes you further into the character’s experience.

Check out this novel and other books new to our collection:

Check Out These New Books!

Looking for a new book to check out? The Prairie State College Library has several new options for you to check out each week. New books range from studies about drones and food flavors to new fiction and graphic novels. Whatever you prefer to read about, we can find options for you, just ask a Librarian.

The new books are on display and ready for you to pick up on the shelves outside the Quiet Reading Room in the Prairie State College library.


Check This Book Out! The Buying of the Presidency? FDR, the New Deal, an the election of 1936

Lately there has been quite a few TV shows focusing on American politics and politicians.  It seems every other commercial is enticing you to tune in to see what happens next in the White House.  If you’re a fan of Scandal and House of Cards, this new title by Political Science Professor Si Sheppard might just catch your eye.  In his new book, Sheppard uncovers the hidden roles that money, patronage, and power played in the campaign of 1936, through the use of previously unpublished private correspondence and internal memos from Roosevelt and the files of his political “fixer,” Democratic Party Chairman James A. Farley.  He discloses the secret history of Roosevelt’s New Deal, that has been largely unstudied despite being called Roosevelt’s greatest political triumph and the making of modern America.  I’m sure Frank Underwood and Olivia Pope would be impressed.

Check This Book Out! Narwhals: Arctic Whales in a Melting World

NarwhalsNarwhals. Unusual creatures. What looks like a unicorn horn is actually called a tusk. In fact, the unicorn horn was modeled after the narwhal tusk (3). Why do they have this tusk? Chapter Five: Mythology delves into some of the theories such as a secondary sexual characteristic like antlers on a deer or a mane on a lion, for hunting or digging, or for sensing the salt water around them. This chapter even discusses unicorns. Chapter Three is called “A Symphony of Moos” which piqued my interest. Do narwhals sound the same as cows? To find the answer to this question, see some photographs of narwhals, or to read more about their evolutionary background, check out Narwhals: Arctic Whales in a Melting World by Todd McLeish.


If you want to learn more about what Mr. Narwhal in Elf might be like, check out this book!


Check out our other New books outside the Quiet Reading Room as well!

Check This Book Out! Snow-Storm in August

snow storm coverSnow-Storm in August by Jefferson Morley is about a race riot from before the civil rights movement or even before slavery was outlawed in 1865. It even has a big name in it, Francis Scott Key. Do you know what he is famous for? Ohhhhh, say can you see? He wrote the lyrics to the Star-Spangled Banner. In this book, he is the prosecutor of two trials that come out of the race riot. He actually wrote the national anthem before this time in 1835, but it didn’t become so famous until after his death.

Check this book out and see what kind of “snow storm” was happening in August of 1835. Did it really snow? Was it a blizzard? What were race relations really like in the 1830s? How did the trials that Francis Scott Key was prosecuting turn out?

Find this book and other new books on the shelves outside the Quiet Reading Room in the Prairie State College library!

Check This Book Out! Mirror Earth : the search for our planet’s twin by Michael Lemonick

Check out the “New Books Display” in the Library for some titles that have recently been added to our collection. Featured this week is Mirror Earth : the search for our planet’s twin” by Michael Lemonick.

Ever wondered if there is another planet in the universe like ours? This is exactly what astronomers and scientists have attempted to find out in the last few decades.  In the book “Mirror Earth : the search for our planet’s twin,” author Michael Lemonick, explores the history behind these exploration attempts, the people who have been and are currently involved, and the possible technology that could contribute to future discoveries. This is a highly recommended book for anyone that enjoys learning about astronomy, space, or would just love to learn about what has been done and what scientists are currently doing to try to find another Earth.

You can find “Mirror Earth : the search for our planet’s twin” and the other titles listed below in our “New Books” display located outside the “Quiet Reading Room.”

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Check This Book Out! iDisorder by Larry Rosen, Ph.D.

When was the last time you looked at your phone? Got on a computer? Answered an e-mail?

iDisorder discusses the impact that technology has on us, our constant dependence on it, and how it is changing our brains. Dr. Rosen explores a list of common psychiatric disorders and how our enmeshed relationship with technology is driving us toward them including: narcissistic personality disorder, hypochondriasis, body dysmorphia, and addiction. Can we put down our phones and have a real conversation with real people? Can we reduce or eliminate the sleeplessness, anxiety, and other negative reactions we have when separated from our technology.

So what can we do to keep from contracting an iDisorder? At the ends of some chapters Dr. Rosen presents a quiz (maybe they should be on buzzfeed?) to help you determine if you are having problems in this area; however he always presents some strategies to both help you deal with someone you know who displays these tendencies as well as things you can do to remediate your own iDisorders. So, how long can you put down your phone?

Come check out this and many other new books from our new book display right next to the graphic novels!


A Book Forged in Hell Owning the Earth The Cultural Life of the Automobile Spam
Greening the Media The App Generation Ethics and Animals American Sunshine
Parenting the Whole Child Breasts The Death Cure Nursing-Sensitive Innovations in Patient Care